Monday, January 08, 2007


Quick post now, as not much new to talk about.

During break, I like to read non-essential books. It frees my mind up and gives me things to peruse as I'm trying to fall asleep. At the moment, my mind turns to mystery novels. I've read all of Chandler and Hammet, and pretty much all the Christie I can take, so I'm looking for suggestions of new authors to start. What do you folk enjoy or recommend? And if it's a series, what book should I start with?

More amusing posts coming in the future, I promise. For now, take joy in the fact that I slept in till 3pm today.


Taryn said...

I can highly recommend Dorothy L. Sayers's Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries or the P. D. James Adam Dalgliesh series, if you want something contemporary. I'd just start with the first one in either. (Margery Allingham and Ngaio Marsh are pretty good too, but they're no Sayers.)

Dubs said...

Do you happen to know the title of the first Wimsey book? I hate to start in the middle of a series.

Taryn said...

I believe it's Whose Body?

Anonymous said...

I might suggest Donald Miller. Start with Blue Like Jazz
Also - I'm currently reading a collection of shorts by David Ives. They're hilarious. You could probably knock out his body of work in an afternoon with your superior reading skillz.