Saturday, June 07, 2008

St. Louis Blues

So a lot has happened since my last post. Here are some highlights:

-Went out and got snookered on my birthday. I am now 28 years old, with a slightly more damaged liver and a bruised tailbone. Still not sure how that happened.

-27 was a good year. I meant to write a reflective post on what happened during 27, but then I watched a lot of NewsRadio instead. I stand by my choice.

-I read the Dark Materials trilogy, which, despite its woefully uninformed critique of the Catholic Church, was somewhat entertaining. Though I'm somewhat skeptical that God could be defeated by what amounts to bow and arrow technology and zepplins. God forbid the Almighty be assailed by a squadron of F-15 Strike Eagles. They'd be able to conquer heaven before the echo faded.

-St. Louis is seriously the armpit of Lucifer himself. I've been home for a week, and there hasn't been a day when it's been less than 90 degrees with at least 60% humidity (often much more). I'm a fairly active person, so being cooped up inside the air-conditioned house all day every day has been quite maddening.

-I got to spend a lot of time with my parents. I love them. They are awesome. They go all out when I come home. And if I have to stay here one more day, I will most likely murder them in their sleep.

-On the plus side, I got a new suit for Cryptojew's wedding, so I won't feel like such a shlub (sp?).

-I also met a very nice 80 year old European tailor, who seems to be able to cut down my old new suit (old that I've had it for a year, new because I've never worn it because it was huge on me) to an appropriate size.

-Seriously. St. Louis sucks ass. I cannot emphasize that enough.

-I went to Chicago for the F15 10 year anniversary. Completely blew my voice out and got sick. But did an awesome rendition of "Any Way You Want It" at the karaoke bar.

-Discovered that tailbone injuries hurt like hell for a long time afterward. Especially when you're sitting for six hours in a car.

-Rewatched all of Heroes season one. Lamented the fact that season two ever happened. Eager still for season three.

-Lost finale. Awesome. Words cannot express the awesome.

-Started watching Deadwood. More swearing than I like to hear from a cadet in peacetime.

-I desperately want to play poker and/or euchre and/or whist when I get back to Madison. Someone needs to make this happen.

-Will require much drinking to forget the time spent in St. Louis. I get the impression this won't be a problem.

-Managed to piss away the first three weeks of summertime without doing really any work. I blame my cold, which completely nerfed my second week in which I had slated a lot of time to do work. Damn germs.

-That's all I got for now. Will be back tomorrow in Mad-city, so fun must recommence.


becca said...

It's schlub. Also, the Hillbilly feels slighted.

Billie J. Pilgrim said...

You need an inflatable donut pillow to sit on. It will make you look 88 instead of 28, but it will help. I cracked my tailbone in the eighth grade, so if the donut sounds humiliating, try to imagine sitting on one in geometry class.

k8 said...

In HDM, God died long ago. What is killed is the individual that took over. Now, whether that is god or something else is another question.

I've always wondered - some people refer to the books as atheistic because Pullman is an atheist, but can they be atheistic if there is deicide? If a god is killed, mustn't we first admit there is a god?

And, does it have to be a critique of the Catholic church or can it be any/all organized religion? I'm on a listserve that Pullman is one and he sometimes chimes in with some pretty interesting posts about his own work, as well as the work of others.

joface said...

ahhhhh i'm still in st louis the air conditioning is still broken upstairs ahhhhh the traffic ahhhh this place is horrible!!!!

Ferginator said...

But nothing about Galactica? I just watched #10, so I've got it on the brain.