Tuesday, May 23, 2006

In which I defy augury

Longer post later this week. Just taking the moment to point out that, as of midnight, I am now 26. Back at Northwestern, we never planned to live past 25, seeing the obscene amounts we drank and the horrible Midwestern fried foods we ate (we seriously feared scurvy at one point). So this birthday is a milestone, in that I am the first of our drunken cadre to defy Death (at least this particular Death, as Quantum already surpassed his private death date, and my hat off to him).

Seeing Wicked in Chicago with Red-Headed Stepchild, then massive bar-hopping on Friday. Good times ahead, despite the reading load.

And if you're in Madison and reading this, and I haven't already invited you, you're invited to drinks this Friday night. Talk to me for details.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my man.

PS. My 2nd cousin is playing the good witch in Wicked in Chicago - so you'll probably get to see her.

Scott said...

Happy Birthday my aged friend. It feels odd, all of us scattered for what has traditionally been a murderer's row of birthdays and, therefore, drinking.

Anonymous said...

many happy returns of the day

P.S. Sketchrock is also 26, so you are not alone

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Dubs!

While it IS sort of surprising that you've made it this far given some of your alcoholic misadventures, I should point out that if Ted Kennedy can make it to 74 and Keith Richards past 60, you can still look forward to many years of drinking.