Monday, September 18, 2006

And so it begins

With the advent of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, I enter the new season of unheralded television addiction. This season marks the first time ever I will watch at least one show regularly for more than two nights a week. Whether that makes me somewhat of a problem or more like the majority of Americans, I can't say. I do know it makes me a man who doesn't care at all about his academics yet, and probably won't until at least another month has passed, or I have failed out. Either way, I blame prelims, as I can no longer read anything for more than a half hour without getting horribly irritated.

So anyway, my breakdown:

Monday: Studio 60. I missed out on Sports Night. I missed out on The West Wing. I've caught both of them in reruns, and loved the few episodes I've seen. I'm not missing out on this Sorkin project. Besides, Matthew Perry was always the best of the Friends, Steven Weber was the high point of Wings (though Tony Shaloub was cool), and that little dude from West Wing is pretty awesome too. The pilot was entertaining, but not mind-blowing. We'll see.

Tuesday: Veronica Mars. Bless you, CW, for bringing this show to network tv.

Wednesday: Lost. No surprise there. And Abrams is coming back to write and direct again.

Thursday: My problem day. Smallville and Supernatural on the CW, vs. Grey's Anatomy on ABC. Well, that's why God invented the VCR. Though it is odd that all the shows I watch because they're kind of good rather than really good are on Thursdays. (I know some of my readers may disagree about Grey's, but it gets repetitive with its use of voiceovers and pop music, which can distract.)

Friday: Drinking and partying. No room for tv.

Saturday: See Friday.

Sunday: I get up every week at 7:00 and do a little dance because Charmed is no longer on the air. Seriously, worst. show. ever.


Taryn said...

I agree with your assessment of Studio 60. But when you say "that little dude from The West Wing," are you talking about Josh Lyman?

My future opinion of the show will depend largely upon Amanda Peet, since she seems like the one who could potentially annoy me (as long as that guy from the "What's in your wallet" commercials doesn't show up again).

Dubs said...

Right, Josh Lyman. Always liked him.

And which one is the "What's in your wallet" guy?

Taryn said...

He's that guy who came up and asked Sarah Paulson (I've already forgotten her character's name) if she prayed before every show. You know, that guy who always screams like a girl in the commercials who isn't David Spade.

Anonymous said...

While I am still freaked out by your Veronica Mars obsession, I am concerned that in you mind Smallville must compete with a bunch of whiny whorish doctors (just picked up season 5, and it is a thing that is awesome).

Dubs said...

No, Smallville will always best any competition on Thursdays for me. And Season 5 is by far the best yet. That being said, it still isn't a "great" show by any stretch of the imagination.

And Grey's is just decent enough to make me want to watch, but not good enough for me to care that much if I miss it.

Dubs said...

Also, Quantum, what do you guys have going over the week before Easter? (If you schedule that far in advance.) I'm contemplating a Spring Break New York, and airfare is cheap at the moment.

Anonymous said...

True, _Charmed_ is terrible, but think of the hot chicks! Think!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but think of the syphilis! Think!

Also: Grey's Anatomy. Better when it tries to be funny than when it tries to be serious. Or when it tries to be medical. Especially when it tries to be both at once.

Anonymous said...

Gotta stop boning my TV, I guess.

Anonymous said...

You've got it all wrong.
You've forgotten that The Office is also on Thursday nights. That's what you should be watching. I've heard My Name is Earl is great too - though I haven't seen it much.

Anonymous said...

My Name is Earl and the Office make a formiable team.
Dubs, to answer your question, I will either be making plays and drinking out of craziness, or will be unemployed and drinking out of boredom/depression. Either way, come on down.

lisa said...

this is the greatest post ever. i know i'm late to this post, but, wow, i'm speechless. a man after my own heart.