Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Pushing Daisies

Mad props to the Lady in Black for her recommendation of "Pushing Daisies," easily the best tv I've seen in a while and my new first season favorite. It's sweet, clever, kinda weird, and altogether charming. If you can, catch the pilot online or if it gets repeated before next week. Definitely worth the watch.

Promise to post about Spousal Hire tomorrow. Would have tonight, but I didn't want to deprive you all of the fun I'm going to have tomorrow in lecture, when in one day we introduce high modernism and somehow discuss Eliot (Prufrock and Waste Land), Lowell, Frost, cummings, Robinson, and Stevens. It should be a hoot.


Taryn said...

I don't know if you already know this, but "Prufrock" is all about how Eliot had serious problems with the ladies.

And that's it.

Modernism = problems with the ladies.

As for TWL, who knows what that's all about. I met with her during office hours once because she was curious to see if I had any ideas. Sigh. Still, I had fun teaching it because I played an audio recording of Eliot reading his poetry out loud and it seriously scared the hell out of all my students.

Dubs said...

You don't by chance still have this recording? Or know if it's available at the library?

Taryn said...

It's on my iPod. I don't have any blank cds at the moment, but if you do, I could easily make you a copy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! :) I enjoyed it v. v. much as well, and since you did, RUN do not walk to your video store/Netflix queue and watch "Wonderfalls". It's awesome. And it has monkey bookends as well...

The premiere episode is going to be re-airing on Friday, and (fun fact) the narrator is in fact Jim Dale- He Who Narrates the US audio versions of Harry Potter. So much to love!

lisa said...

Hmm..."Pushing Daisies". I thought it was fairly cute but I'm a little worried about where they can go with this premise. Especially because a) he can never touch the girl he loves and b) we seem to know the boundaries of his "gift" in the pilot so what else is there to know? If we're just solving murders every week I don't know if I'm in. We'll see....