Friday, October 26, 2007

Rejected Halloween Costumes

Finally having decided upon a costume, here are the top rejected ideas I came up with:

1. Groundskeeper Willie
2. One of the Flood
3. Winnie the Pooh (too difficult and costly to assemble)
4. Pillsbury Dough Boy
5. Eric and/or Kevin
6. One of the two singers of "D*** in a Box" (Easy costume to assemble, though. Step one, cut a hole in a box...)
7. The Sea Captain (I hate the sea, and everything in it.)
8. Stephen Colbert

Also, I asked my students what I should go as. Here are some of the choice responses:
-Power Ranger (red)
-Kevin Youkilis (a baseball player, apparently)
-A ninja
-Justin Timberlake and K-Fed (combined)
-J.D. from "Scrubs" (oddly enough a costume I considered myself beforehand)
-Underwear model (this one really disturbs me)
-An M&M
-Peter Pan
-Captain Planet (He's our hero. Gonna take pollution down to zero.)
-Team Ramrod, from Supertroopers
-Belle from Beauty and the Beast (apparently this would work because I "have high cheek bones")
-Benjy Compson (something else I considered)
-Shredded Cheese

So there you go. If you're still looking for a costume, feel free to poach from either list.


Anonymous said...

I just saw a J-Tim w/ a box on a belt as I was walking on Dayton.

I like that Eric AND Kevin was an option.

All I got from my students was a cheerleader. (As a costume idea, that is.)


Billie J. Pilgrim said...

I saw a Schrodinger's Cat costume the other day, walking down Johnson near campus. That was pretty sweet. But then, I'm really lame.

Anonymous said...

13 Dicks in Boxes by the end of the night.


memi said...

There was a dick in the box guy at the party this weekend. Also, though, best costume idea ever: this girl dressed up with face paint and a foam finger and a jersey that said "Go Ceilings" -- she was a ceiling fan.

Scott said...

Um... underwear model? Really?!

Anonymous said...

how do you do a Schrodinger's Cat costume?