Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Holiday Ramblings

My love of the holiday season is well-documented (see here and here for last year's treatises on the subject of Christmas). So I won't go into things at length again, lest I grow repetitive. I'll only point out that, in fine Dubs' family tradition, our Christmas tree was appropriately removed from its natural habitat and put to far better use in our living room, where it will glitter and gleam and slowly die for our holiday cheer. (Those of you with facebook can see the latest conquest of nature in my profile picture. No, this is not in Madison. Sadly.)

Over the course of past week, I learned several things, which I shall enumerate in no particular order.

1. I am a 13 year old girl. As proven by my great enjoyment of the movie Enchanted, which is just so danged earnest that it avoids being sickly sweet.

2. You know how they say that if you've just lost weight, it's easier to put it right back on? That's true. Damned delicious stuffing.

3. Pine tree sap doesn't wash out of anything easily.

4. It's really weird to go back to places you frequented as a child. I discovered this when I entered my old parish church for the first time in about eight years, and immediately felt like I was back in sixth grade.

5. New coats are fun.

6. I apparently don't age. Or, if I do, then I'm retrogressing. I was told I still look 18 by my cousins, and the man in the grocery store nearly didn't give me a free sample of wine, despite the fact that my gray-haired father was right next to me. For further proof, see the aforementioned Christmas Tree / Facebook profile picture, where I look like I'm frakkin' twelve.

7. New episodes or movies of Battlestar make me want to say "frak" more often. So far, I have resisted this urge in public. But BSG: Razor was pretty cool.

8. "Pushing Daisies" + Pee Wee Herman = Awesome.

Nothing much else to add. But for a diversion, I'm throwing the floor open again to Christmas songs worth listening to. I have an extensive list from last year (see above), but here are a few that I either just discovered or neglected previously. (Through the miracles of our age, videos provided for your enjoyment. Per usual, watch the videos at your own risk. I just pick 'em for the songs.)

-"Snoopy's Christmas" I love this song. No real logic behind it, other than it's Snoopy.

-"Donna and Blitzen" by Badly Drawn Boy. Last year, T. made me a CD of some truly excellent Christmas songs. I think this one is my favorite, despite it's unclear connection to Christmas itself, or really any logical progression in the lyrics. The music itself overcomes all that. (Sadly, no video.)

-"River" by Joni Mitchell. Largely known for her ability to teach cold English housewives how to feel, she also gave a great Christmas song that I had never really heard before late last year.

-"Song for a Winter's Night" by Sarah McLachlan. Not technically a Christmas song, but still a winter song. Beware the video for egregious fangirl King Arthur clips.

-"Spotlight on Christmas" by Rufus Wainwright. Another from the T. collection. Contains the wonderful description of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: "And they were each one quite odd / A mensch, a virgin, and a God." Again, no good video.

-"Maybe This Christmas" by Ron Sexsmith. Third and last I'll mention from the T. collection. Peppy little tune, apparently used on "The O.C." (hence the video, and though I've never actually seen "The O.C.", I hear good things about this Chrismukkah thing).

And that's it for me. What are your suggestions? New songs that need to be explored? Old favorites that need to be rediscovered? Anything else Christmas-related? 'Tis the season, and I'm a sucker for it.


k8 said...

New shoes are even better!

As for the age thing, you are pretty energetic and that tends to give off a youthful vibe. This is a good thing. Most people think I am younger than I am (I shocked my students the other day when they found out that I'm 34). When I was younger, I didn't like it, but I'm starting to appreciate it as others my age are getting laugh lines and gray hair.

Music: Seriously, Tales From The Crypt's "Have Yourself a Scary Little Christmas" album is a winner. And yes, I am the daughter and granddaughter of morticians.

nenny said...

Pandora.com has a Macy's winter channel that I've been enjoying at work. It's quite pleasant. Macy's is the master of manufactured holiday cheer.

Anonymous said...

You went to see Enchanted? You really are a girl.

Does this post imply Joni Mitchell is English? She's Canadian you know.

Dubs said...

To be fair, Enchanted was the choice of my married friends, not me. But to be even more fair, I wanted to see it anyway.

And no, I wasn't implying that. It's a movie reference that I'm sure T. can fill you in on.

Billie J. Pilgrim said...

I frakkin' hate Christmas music.

(Not really.)

(Well, kinda.)

I do love Rufus Wainwright though. Gonna go look for that.

Scott said...

I was going to mock you for the word "retrogress" (instead of "regress"), but of course I looked it up and "retrogress" is actually a word.

Damn you and your English PhD ways. How dare you foil my mockery!

Dubs said...

Leave it to a Jew to try and mock a PhD in English for his vocabulary.