Saturday, August 05, 2006

Awesome and Not Awesome

Awesome: Two nights in a row of drinking.
Not Awesome: The decision to eat Taco Bell for dinner and get pizza at 2am on Thursday.

Awesome: Veronica Mars. I highly recommend it.
Not Awesome: The Robert Duncan selection on my prelims list. He may or may not be a good poet. I can't tell, because all his famous poetry is not on my list. (Unless every anthology and website is wrong. Hillbilly, feel free to correct my ignorance if you wish.)

Awesome: Tomorrow's White Castle/Slurpee run. Two hours there, two hours back. No prisoners, no mercy.
Not Awesome: White Castle conquers all unawesomeness. No entry here.

Look for a full chronicle of our tale in the near future. And if we don't come back, avenge our deaths.


Anonymous said...

I am not sure how I feel about this Veronica Mars love. But I did swing from a Bicardi bottle with Duncan Kane while by the west side highway. True Sotry.

Anonymous said...

a 2 hour trip for white castle?
sorry my friend - I've got you beat.
Sunday I drove 12 hours from Virginny to StL primarily for some whiteys. Ok ok, also cause my sister's 21st bday is this week...and cause my advisor is in Germany and I can get away with it (and cause I'm too poor to fly). But the point is I'm eating some white castle this week and they will be damned delicious. Mad props to you for your extreme loyalty to the king of all fast foods. Hmm - maybe a better name would be "the used-car-salesman of all fast foods".
Annnnyway. Go Cards!

k8 said...

Where I'm from we call White Castle's specialty "gut bombs." Do you do the same?

Oh, when I was studying in Vienna, some friends and I took the train to Budapest for the day to indulge in some American fast food. We had heard rumors of a Basking Robbins and Dunkin Donuts. It was pitiful, really - we hit at least one fast food place an hour. The Viennese are a bit more particular and they don't (or at least, not at that time) have much in the way of American fast food.

Probably not something to be proud of....